Stucco is the most widely used building material in America. It is one of the most economical and resistant to water, termites, and mold. However, like all construction materials it does have its share of problems and issues that need attention to maintain its integrity. Stucco begins to age when it starts showing signs of wear and tear. The best way to correct these problems before they become major issues is to perform Stucco Repair. We can do that for you. Give us a call.
The process of repairing existing stucco begins with our top stucco contractors cleaning and removing the existing stucco from around the exterior of the home. This can be accomplished easily by a trowel and pry bar. Ensure that there are no wires or pipes left within reach of the working area, and start at the base of the wall. Be careful to not scrape or damage the sheet rock as you work. One of the easiest and quickest ways to repair existing stucco is to use a commercial building and siding product that have a high spray finish. This sealant will seal the stucco to the surface of your home and provide a smooth and non-abrasive surface to help keep it looking new for years to come. These products are often used in combination with traditional stucco to fill in large gaps.
Stucco can be used for repair on both the interior and exterior walls of your home. Once you have properly sealed the damaged area you will want to repair any minor cracks you may find using an adhesive that is safe for exterior use. The same application techniques you would apply to repairs on the interior of your home can also be applied to the exterior walls. In most cases you will be able to find a similar product for use on the exterior walls.
Stucco is very effective in many different types of repair. It is an excellent water proof barrier that is also easy to paint over. If you have several layers of stucco applied to your home, it will stop water damage from occurring to your structure. Stucco is very durable and long lasting, but do not expect it to retain its appearance for ever. The first time you apply a fresh coat of stucco to an exterior wall it will take about two weeks to get the full effect, this is because of all the time that the water has covered the previous layer. Get our professionals to do any sort of stucco repairs for you.