Stucco is a long-lasting and attractive exterior home finish that is rapidly becoming well-liked by homeowners all over the world. It can be improved even more by applying a coat of high-end paint. But before you pull out the rollers and brushes it's essential to learn how to properly prepare and apply paint on stucco surfaces.
Step 1:
Prepare the area around where paints. Place those drop cloths onto the ground as well as on top of furniture that isn't able to be removed. Tape your trim to prevent any additional cleaning later on.
Step 2:
Clean the stucco with a thorough clean. Utilize your bristle brush, power washer and vacuum to get rid of any dust, dirt, and dust. Utilize an ordinary household cleaner or a special degreaser to get rid of any sticky film. Let the area be completely dry for at minimum 24 hours prior to beginning repairs.
Step 3:
Make use of masonry caulk to repair small cracks. Any cracks greater than 1/16 inch wide will require the use of a specific patch. If you're considering stucco patching follow the guidelines of the manufacturer's to cure. In certain cases it is possible to wait for up to 10 days before you are able to paint.
Step 4:
Utilize a top-quality acrylic primer in conjunction with an synthetic brush and a large napped roller to apply it to the desired location. Professionals employ acrylic primers and paints since their compositions adhere better to the uneven surface of the majority of stucco surfaces. It is likely that you will need multiple coats of primer. It's tempting to apply one thick coat, but two thin coats are better to avoid drips and pooling.
Step 5:
The best guideline when painting stucco is that you'll require more paint than the container states. For example, if the can claims to cover 400 square feet you can suppose that you'll take 200 square feet to cover stucco finish. This is because the stucco finish features a lot of tiny crevices. This means that your wall is going to absorb lots of paint in the course of. Apply as many coats as you want. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines regarding drying time.