What exactly is plaster? Plaster is an adhesive plastering material usually used for the decorative or protective coating of ceilings and walls and also for molding and casting architectural elements. Its use in the home is normally to build structures and fix plaster walls and ceilings.
Plaster can be made from a combination of different materials, including cement, sand, cementitious clays, gypsum and water-based resins. Water-based plasters are more absorbent and also dry more quickly. Mortar-based plasters are firmer and tend to have a longer working time than the other kinds of plaster.
There are two kinds of plastering methods - water-based and gypsum plaster. Water-based plastering is more durable than gypsum plastering. Gypsum plastering requires a solvent spray to make it work. Water-based plasters do not need solvents. In fact, if you have an old-fashioned plasterboard around the house then you probably have water-based plaster.
The purpose of the plaster is to bind the plaster onto the wall or ceiling. It is generally applied to strengthen a wall after it has been damaged by water, fire or weather. It is also used to fill in holes or cracks in the wall. Plastering can be done in different ways. It can be done by hand, by a machine or even by using a robot. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. You should decide which method is most suitable for your needs.
Hand applied plastering involves sculpting the plaster on the wall by using a brush or sponge. After it dries, the plaster is pulled off the wall by a series of strips and laid onto the new surface. This is the fastest method, but it is also the most labour-intensive. It is also the most prone to errors. You can make simple mistakes while you are sculpting the plaster. Therefore, you should use a power sprayer if you do a lot of plastering.
On the other hand, water-based plasters do not leave any mess on the surface. They also do not drip or run. A good water-based plaster will stick to the surface without dripping or running. However, it is also the most expensive method. If you want to speed up the plastering job, you can opt to use a power sprayer. These devices are widely available today. They are very easy to use. All you have to do is to spray the plaster into the wall and then wait for it to dry. The sprayer will also be able to stick plaster to the wall better than the usual brush.
You can also choose between using water-based and oil plaster. A water-based plaster is a mixture of different kinds of solvents. Water-based plasters tend to dry faster than oil-based ones. However, they also tend to leave behind more mess on the wall.